Monday, March 12, 2012

Cute Blog Award

Thanks Kusanigi for tagging me, actually, I still have no idea what this is... but I just want to answer the questions!!!!

 For this award you: 
1. Link back to the person who nominated you. 
2. Answer the award questions. 
3. Tell something about yourself you haven't told anyone on your blog yet. 
4. Award as many blogs that you think are worthy of this award. 
5. Make sure you let those you gave the award to know that you awarded them. 

 Award Questions:
1. What is your go-to makeup product? Hmm... It changes every now and then... Currently I think it's the sun-block + pressed/loose powder. I need it so that my face stays matt longer in Singapore's hot weather now. It's so humid now, it may rain but weather's still hot! So sunblock + powder is a must!

 2. What was your favorite fashion trend of 2011? Hmm.... I don't follow fashion trends much... I like the trend where we were all having fun wearing vests, was it last year?

 3. What is your favorite dessert? Anything cold and chocolate. We have hot desserts here in case you're wondering.

 4. Favorite color? Born purple, die purple. Sometimes red.

 5. What is your middle name? I give myself "Funny", but I don't have a middle name.

 6. What was the last song you listened to? hmm... Glee's version of Billionaire.

 Something you don't know about me yet: The whole word knows I'm a little OCD. I'm also a shopaholic. Other than beauty products, I also love shoes, bags, clothes, accessories ! So imagine OCD + Shopaholic, it means I spent my Sundays categorizing them. I actually categorized my clothes according to colors followed by office or casual wear. Jackets, cardigans and office bottoms go to the other side of my wardrobe, which I did the same categorizing. Thankfully, I have only less than 5 bottoms. My jeans are all folded and placed under my tops so that I can easily match them.

 Tagged! Kusanigi- Can I do this tagged back? Does this work the more tags the better?


  1. Haha! Thanks for the tag back! Question, will you be doing more YT videos? I liked the way your other videos came out, especially how you made your DIY palette. ^_^

  2. My DIY palette has the most views so far. Prob will try to come up with something DIY again... =)
    Hard to film now coz I'm always home so late and I don't like to film when everybody's still awake... I like to do hushy hushy. Heh heh.
